You should visit these links if:
You want to know why Windows is not a good operating system
You are planning to deploy Windows
You need "papers" to support Linux
You are ready to deploy Linux but your boss or somebody from your office isn't.
Searching for the next Windows NT
What market and legal forces are shaping Microsoft's Windows product plans, and what will the resulting product look like?
Date: March 1998
Microsoft is not alone in forging the future of NT and its other Windows products. By developing its products to protect its monopoly from the threat of network-centric, platform-neutral computing, Microsoft is putting itself at the mercy of many external forces, some of which have absolutely nothing to do with serving the customer. In this first offering in a series of in-depth analyses called The Next 10 Minutes, join Nicholas Petreley as he examines some of the forces leaving their marks on the evolving Windows NT. (1,700 words)
The new Unix alters NT's orbit The re-emergence of Unix threatens to modify the future direction of NT.
Date: April 1998
Unix on Intel; early results of NT vs. Unix; the ability to offer NT services on a more reliable Unix server; colleges turning out a legacy of Unix-loving IT professionals -- these reasons (and more) make Unix a well-honed carving tool for shaping the direction of NT. But at what cost? (2,800 words)
Is NT paranoid or is Unix out to get it?
We explain our theory about the timely advantages of Unix in graphical terms.
Date: May 1998
What is the single flaw in Windows that is responsible for the rapidly escalating total cost of ownership? Every single user should already know the answer. In this third installment of The Next 10 Minutes, we explore in greater detail why the graphical user environments of Windows vs. Unix should matter to you. (4,200 words).
The Last 10 Minutes Will Windows NT develop into a super-OS or an unmanageable disaster?
Date: June 1998
In this final installment of the Next 10 Minutes, we sum up our predictions for Windows NT. In order to examine which way the evidence points, one must understand that size really does matter. (5,000 words)
Windows Arthritis
Date: June, 30 1999
(IDG) -- Is your computer suffering from "Windows arthritis"? This gradual decline in performance becomes so severe that some pros reformat their hard drives and reinstall Windows every six months to restore its original performance.
Linux in bussinesses
This page contains a list of references to commercial sites that make use of Linux to support their day-to-day business function. It's intended to be useful if you would like to find out more about how Linux is being used in commercial and other production (i.e., not at home, not just for fun) environments. Hint: Look for Siemens, S.A. de C.V. in the Manufacturing section.
It doesn't have my name anymore because I no longer work there, but that is the manufacturing plant where I came from. :)
Linux in bussinesses in France
The Practical Manager's Guide to Linux
Linux Means Business: United Railway Signal Group, Inc.
The story of how Progressive Computer Concepts has turned United Railway into a Linux shop.
Mexican Schools embrace Linux
Date: 6 November 1998
The Mexican government announced that they are installing Linux in 140,000 elementary- and middle-school computer labs around the country.
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX
For those who deny Linux because: "Most managers will agree that the mere cost of an operating system is trivial when looking at the big picture." Read this. It explains that Linux is not good just because of it's purchase cost!! It also addresses a lot more issues showing Windows weaknesses against Unix. Remember that they are talking about Windows NT SERVER!!
Windows NT versus other operating systems
The subject of Windows NT versus other commercial operating systems sparks heated debate among not only the vendors of the operating systems but users as well. A debate about NT versus Novell's NetWare, for example, usually produces no meaningful results and only serves to divide the industry into highly polarized camps.
Needs work, but has some points to consider, like:
NTFS Streams
File and directory ownership
File system fragmentation
Macintosh support
Windows Registry versus configuration files
The Robustness Principle
Linux Grows Up
Comparision between Linux and Windows NT for server tasks.
Watch out, the date on this one is: December 9, 1997
If Linux was better at that time, now it is much, much better!!!
Besides, some of the comments are not valid now because of the evoulution of Linux.
Replacing Windows NT Server with Linux
Linux instead of Windows NT
This letter to TechWeb described a rather typical history of a Chief Technology officer, badly burned by NT, who found a rescue with Linux.
Using Linux instead of a Cisco Router,4712,381687,00.html
Linux Product Guide
FirstLinux would like to announce the launch of the Linux Product Guide - a comprehensive guide to commercial Linux resources.
Note: COMMERCIAL ONLY Applications!!! and they are NOT listing all of the existing ones, but at least it is a good compilation of COMMERCIAL resources.
Linux applications:
Linux and HP