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Report from Georg Greve in South America
By brian, Section News
Posted on Sat Jun 19th, 2004 at 10:20:58 GMT
Georg Greve, President of FSF Europe, has posted a brief report (with photographs) on his recent meetings with the Free Software community in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil to support them in their struggle for freedom and share experiences collected in the work of the FSFE. The report is available from FSFEurope.org.


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Report from Georg Greve in South America | 11 comments (11 topical, editorial) | Post A Comment
[new] Thank the help that you offered (#1)
by moviedownload (#661) () on Sun Nov 7th, 2004 at 03:45:57 GMT
(User Info) http://www.soudown.com/movie/

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[new] sdgf (#2)
by a member of the hurd (#-1) on Mon Nov 22nd, 2004 at 07:56:27 GMT

ʻƷ ʻƷ ľ

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[new] I agree, Very reasonable (#3)
by sos (#674) () on Sat Nov 27th, 2004 at 03:41:12 GMT
(User Info)

I agree,Very reasonable

Don't Hate the World
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[new] cxvc (#4)
by 100003 (#680) on Fri Dec 3rd, 2004 at 15:35:36 GMT
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Ӱ ֽ д Ů ģ ձŮ ߹ͼ Ӱ ߵӰ ߵ Ӱ ӰԺ btӰ ѵӰ mp3 mtv а ݳ dj ok Ϸ Ϸ Ϸ ؼ Ϸ ģ ʥʿ å ӷè С Ц Ц Ĭ ЦͼƬ Խת Ц ղ Ʊ Ǯ Ŷ ԰ Ʊ մ Ӱ Ӱ Ӱ Ӱ ɴӰ ͷ д ӫ ң 綯 ģ ռ Ф ռ ȡ ˮ ʱ ѡ ȥ д ˮ ױƷ װʱ Ůװ װ 鱦 ʯ ƽ Ȥ ֳ ȼ ҵ ֲ ҹܻ Ʊ Ʊ ƱԤ Ʊ Ͷע ϲ ˶ ̨ ٤ 赸 齫 DZˮ DZˮ ˶ ҵ ҵվ 漣 ҳ й Ʊ ɱ ý 칫 Դ ֽ Ϸ Ӱ Ӻؿ IT֤ ѵ ΢֤ mcse ˼֤ linux֤ it֤ ѵ ý Ƶ vodϵͳ ͷ Ƶ Ƶת Ӳ diy mp3 ʼDZ ά ӡ cpu ͨ ֻϷ sms Ƶ Զ̽ѧ ˽ Ϸ˽ 2˽ ˽ip ˽ 漣˽ ii˽ վͼ SiteMap 2˽ Ϻ

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[new] vcxvc (#5)
by 100003 (#680) on Fri Dec 3rd, 2004 at 15:36:11 GMT
(User Info)

Ӱ ֽ д Ů ģ ձŮ ߹ͼ Ӱ ߵӰ ߵ Ӱ ӰԺ btӰ ѵӰ mp3 mtv а ݳ dj ok Ϸ Ϸ Ϸ ؼ Ϸ ģ ʥʿ å ӷè С Ц Ц Ĭ ЦͼƬ Խת Ц ղ Ʊ Ǯ Ŷ ԰ Ʊ մ Ӱ Ӱ Ӱ Ӱ ɴӰ ͷ д ӫ ң 綯 ģ ռ Ф ռ ȡ ˮ ʱ ѡ ȥ д ˮ ױƷ װʱ Ůװ װ 鱦 ʯ ƽ Ȥ ֳ ȼ ҵ ֲ ҹܻ Ʊ Ʊ ƱԤ Ʊ Ͷע ϲ ˶ ̨ ٤ 赸 齫 DZˮ DZˮ ˶ ҵ ҵվ 漣 ҳ й Ʊ ɱ ý 칫 Դ ֽ Ϸ Ӱ Ӻؿ IT֤ ѵ ΢֤ mcse ˼֤ linux֤ it֤ ѵ ý Ƶ vodϵͳ ͷ Ƶ Ƶת Ӳ diy mp3 ʼDZ ά ӡ cpu ͨ ֻϷ sms Ƶ Զ̽ѧ ˽ Ϸ˽ 2˽ ˽ip ˽ 漣˽ ii˽ վͼ SiteMap 2˽ Ϻ

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[new] very (#6)
by udown (#693) on Tue Dec 21st, 2004 at 15:50:35 GMT
(User Info) http://www.52z.com

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[new] hellohi (#7)
by a member of the hurd (#-1) on Sun Dec 26th, 2004 at 11:30:32 GMT

winampľǽӰʹٳְWindowsŻʦ ʿ쳵 Ѹ PPͨ Ӱ ԭ

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[new] tomli (#9)
by a member of the hurd (#-1) on Tue Feb 22nd, 2005 at 10:57:52 GMT

agcge wutkf mbocsg rnnf fgrfja ckyy jnhe bcal prrysdabcdef ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz ghffs eteys.....agcge wutkf mbocsg rnnf fgrfja ckyy jnhe bcal prrysdabcdef ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz ghffs eteys.....agcge wutkf mbocsg rnnf fgrfja ckyy jnhe bcal prrysdabcdef ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz ghffs eteys.....agcge wutkf mbocsg rnnf fgrfja ckyy jnhe bcal prrysdabcdef ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz ghffs eteys.....agcge wutkf mbocsg rnnf fgrfja ckyy jnhe bcal prrysdabcdef ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz ghffs eteys.....

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[new] qqad (#10)
by searchfans (#732) on Fri Mar 25th, 2005 at 17:17:09 GMT
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[new] cool (#11)
by searchfans (#732) on Tue Apr 12th, 2005 at 19:26:40 GMT
(User Info)

This is a excellence post,thanks for the author can share the excellence thinking with us,i will introduce to my friends,Best regard.

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Report from Georg Greve in South America | 11 comments (11 topical, editorial) | Post A Comment
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