E-Data files further patent infringement lawsuits |
By blogtim, Section News
Posted on Tue May 4th, 2004 at 22:55:02 GMT |
[From CNET] E-Data announced today that it has filed patent infringement lawsuits against Corbis and Getty Images for violating its patent on commercial downloading services. "We're moving forward in enforcing our rights under the patent laws. That's part of our global strategy," said Gerald Angowitz, special assistant to E-Data chairman Bert Brodsky. "We would like to reach a licensing agreement with the parties, rather than litigate for the sake of litigation. But failing that, we do intend to pursue our rights." The US patent held by E-Data (US4528643) expired in January, though they have until December 2008 to file retroactive claims. Full story from CNET.