The following prizes will be awarded by a jury to five competition participants who make particularly valuable contributions: 1st prize: US$ 2000 2nd prize: US$ 600 3rd prize: US$ 400 4th prize: US$ 300 5th prize: US$ 200
The contributions will be judged considering not only the quantity and quality of the contributed code, but taking in consideration also how well the competition participants use the #dotgnu irc channel, the mailing lists and the wiki for coordinating their coding efforts, and for helping newcomers with getting started.
Ten additional prizes of US$ 100 each will be awarded to ten contest participants who are selected randomly among those who have not already been awarded one of the above five prizes.
Therefore, in total there will be 15 winners in this competition, and the total prize money is US$ 4,500. The prize money, which has been kindly donated by Neil Cawse (thank you so much, Neil!) is waiting on a bank account of the FSF (Free Software Foundation), and the FSF has accepted responsibility for transferring the prize money to the winners. You may therefore be fully confident that this competition is "for real", i.e. the prizes will truly get paid out.
Requirements for participating in the competition:
1. You need to file copyright assignment paperwork with the Free Software Foundation for your code contributions to System.Windows.Forms .
2. At least one of your code contributions (a new file or a modification of an existing file) must have been accepted into the pnetlib System.Windows.Forms codebase.
3. You need to submit a tar.gz file which contains the following:
* A file AUTHOR, which contains your contact information.
* A file COPYING, which contains a copy of the GNU General Public License.
* Copies of all new files which you have written for the competition, and which have been accepted into the pnetlib System.Windows.Forms codebase.
* Context diffs of all your changes to System.Windows.Forms which have been accepted into the pnetlib codebase since the beginning of the competition.
* A file THANKS, which gives credit to all people who have helped you during this work in particularly valuable ways.
Submissions of tar.gz files as described above will be accepted until two weeks after the competition ends (it will end after four months or earlier if the jury declares DotGNU's System.Windows.Forms implementation to be "essentially complete").
Participants may submit multiple tar.gz files, only the latest submission of each participant will be considered.
Excluded from participation are DotGNU Steering Committee members and their close relatives, Free Software Foundation employees and their close relatives, and also jury members and their close relatives. In particular, those who covet the $2000 first prize will be relieved to know that Rhys Weatherley, the chief architect of DotGNU Portable.NET, is not a participant in the competition, since he is a Steering Committee member.
Furthermore, excluded from participation is everyone who has had access to proprietary source code of the Microsoft Windows system, or to source code for any proprietary implementation of System.Windows.Forms.
The jury will consist of Norbert Bollow, Neil Cawse and Bradley Kuhn. Rhys Weatherley will be an official advisor of the jury. Decisions of the jury are final and cannot be appealed in any way after the decision has been made.
HOW TO GET STARTED: Subscribe to the pnet-developers mailing list at Then read ... that is a wiki page, you are welcome to add additional helpful information to this page, correct errors, add further wiki pages, etc. When you need help or information which is not available on the Wiki, ask on irc (#dotgnu on or by email via the pnet-developers mailing list.
(Original announcement at the Dot GNU website)