A couple vicious comments I loved:
I got hired at the Artificial Intelligence Lab not by JonL, but by Russ Noftsker, which was most ironic considering what was to come—he must have really regretted that day.
Russell was believed to have an aptitude for business. He demonstrated this aptitude for business by saying to the other people in the group, “Let's ditch Greenblatt, forget his ideas, and we'll make another company.” Stabbing in the back, clearly a real businessman.
We had a person working last summer finishing up a translator from Python to Scheme.
Really, so it's almost finished? I didn't get that impression from looking at its Savannah page, but this may be due to the lack of standard documentation. Maybe I should, er, try it or something. :)
…Finally, why isn't Guile listed in the poll? It certainly counts as a GNU Lisp implementation—as do Kawa and GNU/MIT Scheme.
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