We would all love to see a perfect Patent Policy at the W3C, but please remember that even that would not protect standards or free software from patents of companies that do not participate in the W3C.
I think the only solution is to stop software patents from being granted. We must use every bit of democratic power we have as citizens, and every bit of brains to understand, explain and demand that software patents must be abolished / kept illegal.
In the particular case of the EU this is in the political agenda now. The JURI committee of the European Parliament will vote this month (well, not too sure of the date, but looks like this) and the European Parliament plenary will vote in mid May or early June. We must get the directive amended (or at worst rejected) so that software is left unpatentable in Europe (and then make the European Patent Office comply with the law).
If you live in the EU, or in future EU states. Please use the FFII web application to adopt a Member of the European Parliament and explain to her the problems with the Commission directive, the JURI rapporteur's endorsement and amendments, and the need for endorsing the counter-proposal, and also invite them to the meetings set up to debate it.
Some useful links:
Adopt a MEP: http://www.ffii.org/ffii-cgi/eintrag?l=en
Next month conference:
(bad) proposal from the JURI rapporteur http://www.europarl.eu.int/meetdocs/committees/juri/20030219/488980en.pdf ...
http://www.europarl.eu.int/meetdocs/committees/juri/20030219/488980da.pdf ...
Critique to the rapporteur's proposal
http://swp at.ffii.org/papers/eubsa-swpat0202/amccarthy0302/
Invention concept, which is at the center of the debate. http://swpat.ffii.org/analys is/invention/
Amendment proposals (counter-proposal)
http:/ /swpat.ffii.org/papers/eubsa-swpat0202/prop/index.en.html
Not so direct but also interesting:
Article by Brian Kahin explaining the situation both sides of the Atlantic http://www. firstmonday.dk/issues/issue8_3/kahin/index.html
Text from Greenspan which would show doubts even in the USA http://www.federalreserve.gov/BoardDocs/speeches/2003/20030404/default.htm (but I still haven't read it)
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