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Free Software Magazine issue 2 is out
By atai, Section News
Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2002 at 09:55:30 GMT
The second issue of the Free Software Magazine is out. It is available at http://www.rons.net.cn/english/FSM/issue02 with a mirror in North America at http://www.free-soft.org/FSM/english/issue02/


This issues include the following articles:

RMS's Column

Free Software: Hackers Come Back, by Andy Tai

GNU/Linux in 2003, by Robin "Roblimo" Miller

Main Principle of E2K Architecture, by Prof. Boris A. Babayan

Why Microsoft Still Rules the Desktop Market? byAnurag Phadke

Free Book Review: Programmming in Emacs Lisp, by Hong Feng

C: My Approach by George Russell

Jabber: An Introduction, by Peter Saint-Andre

History of PostgreSQL, by Bruce Momjian

SGML: About and My Approach, by Boris Tabotras

From Database to Presentation via XML,XSLT and ConteXt, by Berend De Boer

Treecc: An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Writing Compilers, by Rhys Weatherley

Qt/Embedded --- My Perspective, by Jharana Mehta

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Free Software Magazine issue 2 is out | 10 comments (10 topical, editorial) | Post A Comment
[new] What's the best way to get this magazine in UK/EU? (#1)
by brian (#54) () on Mon Mar 4th, 2002 at 20:04:52 GMT
(User Info) http://www.network-theory.co.uk/

Anyone know if there any local distributors in Europe? Sending money by international transfer for a subscription is really expensive. I got a copy of the magazine at the FOSDEM conference and I'd like to subscribe to it.
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[new] I submitted and retracted my article. (#2)
by jbn (#168) () on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 04:44:26 GMT
(User Info)

I wrote and submitted my reply to Bram Moolenaar's Vim article and had it pulled because the editors at FSM altered my article in substantive ways against my approval. They went against our agreement and my copyright when they published their altered version of my article.

Very shortly after official word of the release of the magazine got out, some people apparently downloaded FSM's PDF version of my article. Some readers wrote me and complained that I had used Moolenaar's words without attribution (I had "stolen" his quotes).

I wish to clear up that misunderstanding. One of the alterations FSM made was to remove quote marks from the article making it unclear what I was saying and what I was quoting. I submitted properly marked-up copy to FSM but they were unable to properly handle the quotations. So I resubmitted the article hard-coding the quote marks. Apparently they had decided to publish the first version which they could not properly handle.

I take proper attribution very seriously. I have validated the markup and seen my article rendered by a number of free software web browsers. I could find found no problems. I have also attempted to clear up misunderstanding by writing a clarification to anyone who gives me feedback on this issue.

If you wish to read my article, please read this version of my article, not the mangled version FSM published.

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[new] Sad, but true (#4)
by alex (#9) on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 08:07:27 GMT
(User Info) http://www.alexhudson.com/

.. that one of the contributors (Robin Miller) has also posted a story to newsforge.org entitled "Let's stop calling it free software"

I suspect it is just a re-tread of an earlier article (the FSM one, that is), but perhaps the authors should be vetted somewhat before being allowed to write about Free Software...

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[new] my opinion (#7)
by a member of the hurd (#-1) on Tue Mar 5th, 2002 at 18:09:06 GMT

hello, i read some of the editorial peices in this issue. I wasn't very impressed. This is just my opinion, don't take it personal.

The Roblimo article had some problems, when was it even written? He claims linux will have so many games in 2003 no one will be able to play them. Well considering loki, the only company porting games to linux, went out of business last month i find this statement puzzling. This article appears to just be Yet Another Linux Will Rule Them All fanboy article. Every year i read how linux is going to crush microsoft next year for probably 5 years now.

The hacker comeback story was so over the top, i think its supposed to be a joke, but i can't really tell.

The desktop article was ok, but there wasn't really anything new in it. I don't know why the shameless thinkgeek advertisement was included in the authors bio.

The rms article was fine, but that article has been around for a while already, i read that months ago.

I didn't read the tech articles becuase i already have certain tech to spend time learning.

But anyways, i kinda expected more.

Also i can't believe it is only available in pdf, what is up with that, there should be html and plaintext available.

I think free software is great, but that issue didn't do much for me.

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[new] Like this website (#9)
by a member of the hurd (#-1) on Fri Dec 10th, 2004 at 08:49:13 GMT

website imiquimod pic bbs Article links sitemap sitemap2 links add Health links all Article freewebpage1 hpv net seocn googlecn

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[new] Free Book Review (#10)
by a member of the hurd (#-1) on Sat Jan 29th, 2005 at 18:17:43 GMT

Fazit: Mit Finding Neverland ist Marc Forster ein herzerw?rmender Film gelungen, der die Zuschauer in eine Zeit entführt, in der man von Phantasie h?chstens getr?umt hat, sie aber nicht ausleben durfte. Der Weg vom leeren Skriptbuch bis zum vollst?ndigen Theaterstück wird beeindruckend dargestellt, die Schauspieler sind Extraklasse und der Regisseur, von dem wir Schweizer ja stolz sagen, dass er "einer von uns" ist, hat mit diesem Film einen weiteren, grossen Schritt in Richtung Weltkarriere gemacht. Ich war absolut berührt und auch wenn der Film zwischendurch ein bisschen harzt, weil so viele Sachen besprochen werden müssen, konnte ich das Kino in sch?ner Weihnachtsstimmung verlassen. Dazu geh?rt auch ein bisschen Kitsch, der aber meiner Meinung nach, hier gut und sparsam eingesetzt wurde. Toller Film.

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