A site like this is much needed. I hope it is successful.
The other sites (Slashdot, Register, etc) seem to have got into the "entertainment business" -- creating controversy and conflict, making celebrities and knocking them down. I hope you will not post any controversial stories without checking them with the people involved -- if so this will be the place to come for "real news". I would much prefer to read the facts a bit later than counterproductive speculation.
Other sites are also victims of excessive commercialism and merchandising -- the assumption that everyone is part of a 'geek' community and interested in the same sort of things outside software. I like to keep an eye on free software news but it's a professional interest, not a lifestyle choice.
Generally I have a dislike of too much "news". Concentrating too much on details stops people thinking about the bigger picture. As we know free software is a long-term project and what is important is steady progress, rather than break-throughs that news media in general seem to need. So it will be good if on this site there is no desire to "create" stories -- if there is nothing happening then it's fine by me if you just post something saying "Nothing is happening -- people are working hard on their projects" ;-).
I know that running a database backed website is expensive -- I think it would be a good if the site can be supported by donations from its users, and be independent, rather than have to look for a sponsor if it becomes too costly as the userbase gets larger. On your donations page you could post some information on how much it costs, how much you have received, and how many users there are -- in order to get an idea of what each person should donate to keep things running. If there is an easier way to make a small donation electronically that would be good, it's too expensive to transfer money internationally for a small donation unfortunately. The cheapest way to send money is by a money order from the post office, but this usually requires standing in a queue and filling out a form (on paper).
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