What's new in GNU Bayonne (February 23, 2002)
See http://www.gnu.org/software/bayonne for general information.
1. GNU Bayonne for Solaris
2. GNU Bayonne 0.7.5 release
3. GNU Common C++ 2 and beyond
4. New Web Site Proposed
5. Project documentation update
6. GNU Bayonne 1.0 Early Releases
GNU Bayonne for Solaris
With recent patches submitted by Radu Greab for both GNU Bayonne proper and GNU ccRTP, it is now possible to build and use a GNU Bayonne server under Solaris. This port has been tested with the Quicknet card driver (/dev/phone) that had also been ported to Solaris and the Bayonne phonedev driver interface plugin.
This port supports X86 Solaris and as far as I know has only been tested with the Quicknet linejack card. It may be useful to see if any of the Dialogic Solaris runtime drivers work with GNU Bayonne under Solaris as well.
The changes needed for using Solaris are found in the new release of GNU ccRTP 0.7.3, and in GNU Bayonne 0.7.5.
GNU Bayonne 0.7.5 release
We had been busy in several areas the last month, but this seemed to be a good time to do a new release of the current GNU Bayonne distribution. This new release covers many interesting bug fixes, especially for Dialogic ISDN support. Our goal in the 0.7.5 branch is to increase stability and code quality in the current code base rather than expand features, and this is part of that effort.
Another reason for the new release is that some of the recent changes in GNU Common C++ 1.9.x. Ideally we should have maybe one or two more 0.7.x release, including one for the new Aculab driver. We are looking to continue some development forward on 0.7.x, and bug fixes on 0.6.x production releases.
GNU Common C++ 2 and Beyond
Development on GNU Common C++ "2" is moving along. A complete prototype of the release has been tested under GNU/Linux. There are still problems with FreeBSD and a few other targets which keep it from general release.
The initially distributed release of GNU Common C++ "2" will be commoncpp2 0.99.1. I have already built a test release of ccAudio (1.0), ccRTP (0.99) and ccScript (2.0) which will become available concurrent with the new release. The Bayonne 1.0 source tree has already been migrated to these.
GNU Common C++ "2" can be installed side by side with GNU Common C++, and all the updated libraries will be able to be installed side by side with the older ones that depend on the older release of GNU Common C++ on the same platform. This will allow one to switch between production releases and soon to be released development releases of GNU Bayonne 1.0.
One thing I have chosen to do is directly "version" the library names themselves based on the major release and a new base include directory. This has made it easier to assure the two families of libraries can co-exist, and is something I have seen others start to do. I also version the package name for RPM builds for the new library releases so one will be able to have RPM's from the old and current releases loaded concurrently, and this also I have seen others do. Hence, we will have a new set of RPM's, "commoncpp2", "ccaudio1", "ccscript2", and "ccrtp0".
GNU Common C++ "2" can be found in cvs from subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/commoncpp under module name "commoncpp2". The cvs for ccAudio is subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/ccaudio (co ccaudio), for ccRTP is subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/ccrtp (co ccrtp), for ccScript is subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/ccscript (co ccscript), and for Bayonne 1.0 development is subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/bayonne (co BayonneNG). With that, by installing GNU Common C++ 2, and ccScript, ccAudio, and ccRTP from current cvs, one can develop on the Bayonne 1.0 tree, and do so without disrupting current stuff.
New Web Site Proposed
To help development and deployment of Bayonne move along faster, we are thinking of redoing the web site. In particular, I would like to see nightly cvs based builds added for snapshot downloads, and to organize the different release families (0.6, 0.7, and 1.0) into easy to comprehend download sets. I also have thought about adding a page that shows the status of each telephony driver, a link for downloading any needed drivers, and a link for who's working on it or the primary contact for it.
This and other work will depend on the efforts of different volunteers. Jason Spence has indicated he might wish to help with this. We need at least one other person to help with keeping the web site updated.
In about a week or so GNU Common C++ 2 will become available in preliminary form. The initial release will be of GNU Common C++ 2 pre-1.0, and an official 1.0 release of GNU Common C++ "2" (or 2.0 release of GNU Common C++, if one wishes to look at it that way) will be distributed a few weeks after that.
The principle "visible" change in GNU Common C++ 2 is that the entire library has been rewritten to conform to a single set of programming standards that are described with the new package. Other changes are more subtle, and covered in a vast list of bug fixes, portability improvements, and some new and changed classes, as found in the ChangeLog. These changes will mean that ccRTP, ccScript, and ccAudio, will all also be rewritten over a one week period. The result will be GNU ccScript 1.0, GNU ccAudio 1.0, and GNU ccRTP 1.0. All three should be fully portable and compile native under both posix and win32 systems. Another option being considered is absorbing ccAudio, ccScript, and ccRTP directly into the Common C++ 2 package, as this would make setup and deployment simpler.
One reason for GNU Common C++ "2" rather than just GNU Common C++ 2.0 was to make it easier to install both versions on the same target system for both development and runtime. Furthermore, Bayonne 0.7.x (and any 0.8.x) will NOT be rewritten for GNU Common C++ 2. Rather, the 0.9.x/1.0 code base will be changed, before it is distributed. This pushes the initial distribution of Bayonne 0.9 to early March.
Project Documentation Update
Those that have so far volunteered to help with the new manuals and project documentation have suggested that the new manual be split between a developers guide and an administrators guide. Rich has offered to write a new "INSTALL" file for the current production releases. A few other pieces of documentation might be done by others, but we still need more volunteers for this.
GNU Bayonne 1.0 Early Release
As soon as GNU Common C++ "2" is ready for release, I am going to release the other updated libraries and shortly thereafter a formal test build of Bayonne 1.0. We may have a new facility in Austria which will be used primarily to develop CAPI support for Bayonne 1.0 (and any improvements in current 0.7 releases) and we will use OSDL for Intel/Dialogic development.