EventsLinuxForum is an annual event organised by SSLUG, DKUUG and BSD-DK. Its focus is free software and everything around GNU/Linux and the free BSD-systems. It will be held on the 2nd of march.
Someone once said that if you've seen one Expo organised by IDG, you've seen them all. LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Singapore 2002 is probably no exception, Organised by IDG World Expo, LinuxWorld in Singapore focuses as usual on networking between GNU/Linux enthusiasts in the area and a showcase floor where companies demonstrate the latest, newest and hottest on the market. Between the 12th and 14th of March.
Bradley Kuhn is the Vice President of the FSF and you'll get a chance to hear him speak about free software at the University of Kentucky (28th of February), the University of Cincinnati (4th of March) and the University of New Hampshire (26th of March).
New Software from the GNU ProjectServeez is a server framework for creating servers communicating with TCP/IP. Version 0.1.3 is hot off the presses with some bugfixes, improved Guile compatibility and some added cross-platform features.
Chess follows soon after with the release of version 5.03. Not much new here, but if you like chess, grab it now.
Bayonne is a telecommunications application server for the GNU Project, compatible with a range of telecommunications hardware. Version 0.7.5 just out.
Electric is a program for electronic CAD, usable for VHDL compilation, simulations, schematic drawings and much more. Check out version 6.05.
GCC has been available in version 3.0 for more than half a year now. Latest addition being 3.0.4 dealing primarily with a bunch of bugfixes for various architectures.