The Free Software Foundation posts the following to the front page of the GNU website:
"The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Project. FSF receives very little funding from corporations or grant-making foundations. We rely on support from individuals like you who support FSF's mission to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users. Last year, over 67% of our operating funds came from individual donors. That ongoing support is the primary way we can continue our work. Please consider making a donation today. "
Currently the economy in the USA is not in good shape. Non-profits like the FSF is especially hit hard because during difficult times, the donations from individuals fall off. We know the importance of the FSF as the leading organization for Free Software and the enforcer of the GPL. Thus please consider making a financial donation to the FSF, no matter you are in Europe or Asia or Oceania. Such donations help to offset the effects of the weak American economy.