Administrations and local public structures join to develop free software |
By olberger, Section News
Posted on Fri Oct 18th, 2002 at 12:15:41 GMT |
A rather unique initiative from french administrations and local public structures which recently grouped to create a non-profit consortium called ADULLACT, in order to share their Free Software development efforts.
ADULLACT means "Association des Dveloppeurs et des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres dans les Administrations et Collectivits Territoriales", (for "Association of Developers and Users of Free Software in Administrations an Territorial Collectivities").
The goal is to group together several administrations, towns, or other local authorities which share the same needs for their Free Software equipment.
The association will host resources and services to provide advices to users of Free Software in the member public sector entities, and also help share technical requirements documents, for instance. It will centralise elements of development of specific free applications needed by its members.
This way of sharing (among other things) development costs for specific business free softwares is unique and very promising, and we may expect other consortia to form in other sectors. |