Edit /GNUFriends/Editing
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Editing Wiki-pages at GNU-Friends

Editing Wiki-pages at GNU-Friends is simple! This Wiki uses standard HTML tags for most options. These html tags are available; A B BR DD DT HR I LI P U FONT BIG SMALL SUB SUP H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 PRE CITE CODE EM S STRIKE STRONG TT VAR DIV CENTER BLOCKQUOTE OL UL DL TABLE TR TD TH CAPTION.

Besides the standard HTML tags, you MUST also include a title tag in the page. This will set the title of the page you're writing. Example; <title "Foo">

Linking to pages inside of the GNU-Friends Wiki is done by encapsulating the page name in blocks, like this; \[\[index]]. If the page index exists, a link will be made to that page. If it doesn't exist, a small questionmark will be put right next to the link, allowing anyone to create the missing page by clicking on that questionmark.

If you want the link to have another nama than the actual page, you can include a description, like this; \[\[index|GNU-Friends Online]]. Then the link will be called "GNU-Friends Online" and point to the page index, if it exists.

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